(Moncton, NB, Jan 11, 2024) – The YMCA Community Action Network is thrilled to announce their latest endeavour, a clothing and supply drive for people experiencing homelessness in the community! This initiative has been organized and developed by a YCAN cohort of seven Grade 9 students from Riverview High School who are passionate about helping people experiencing homelessness. 

This semester, students consulted with community partners in the unhoused supporting sector to better understand and address the specific needs this time of year. In line with the needs expressed this time of year, the students are looking for donations of new or gently used hats, mittens, scarves, winter coats, winter boots, sleeping bags, sleeping mats, tents, tarps, mylar blankets, regular blankets, hygiene products, hand warmers, and warm clothing. The students are also looking for donations of new and unworn men and women’s undergarments in sizes small to medium.

The students will be collecting donations during school hours (8am-4pm) up until January 18th at Riverview High School – 400 Whitepine Rd, Riverview, New Brunswick. You will find their big red donation bin as you enter through the main foyer and turn right towards the Main Office.

YCAN participants have been working together and planning their clothing and supply drive since October 2023 and are looking forward to watching their project complete its final stage by mid-January.

For further information, please contact Brianna Roy at Brianna.Roy@ymcamoncton.ca