What is the PARE?
The Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE) is an occupational test used to assess a person’s ability to perform the physical demands of police work by simulating a critical incident of chasing, controlling, and apprehending a suspect. It requires you to be in good physical shape. You need to have a fit cardiovascular system as well as good muscular strength and endurance.
The evaluation consists of three stations.
- Station 1 – Obstacle Course
This simulates proceeding to the scene of a problem or occurrence.
- Station 2 – Push/Pull
This simulates having to physically solve a problem or occurrence.
- Station 3 – Weight Carry
This simulates having to remove an object or a person from the scene.
Contact André Gaudet at andre.gaudet@ymcamoncton.ca for more information.
Planned Dates for PARE Testing in 2023:
November 20th, December 11th.
Planned Dates for PARE Testing in 2024:
Planned Dates for PARE Testing in 2025: